We're crunching the numbers, and are seeking your input

It's that time of the year again, where Council need to make important financial decisions to maintain and improve infrastructure, and deliver projects and services which are valued by our community.

Council develops an annual budget that outlines how we will fund the delivery of projects, programs, and many different services to our community.

Section 94 of the Local Government Act 2020 (LGA 2020) requires that Council prepare and adopt a budget for each financial year and the subsequent three financial years by 30 June each year. Section 96 requires that Council undertake community engagement around its budget in a form that is consistent with its Community Engagement Policy.

What can you do to contribute?


Council are trying to gather information on our residents priorities. Below is a short survey we’d like you to complete, this will help us develop the 2022-2023 budget.

Please note, your choices will not directly affect budget decisions, but the results of all feedback will be provided to the CEO and Councillors for their consideration during the budget process.



Have your say at one of our community engagement sessions:

Monday 13 June - Tatyoon @ Tatyoon Hall- 6:30pm

Tuesday 14 June - Elmhurst @ Elmhurst Hall- 11:00am

Wednesday 15 June- Online via Microsoft Teams- 1:00pm

Wednesday 15 June - Pomonal @ Pomonal Hall- 6:30pm

Thursday 16 June - Willaura @ Willaura Hall- 1:00pm

Thursday 16 June- Online via Microsoft Teams- 1:00pm

Thursday 16 June - Lake Bolac @ Lake Bolac Complex- 6:30pm

Friday 17June - Ararat @ Ararat Town Hall- 11:00am

To register for the online sessions, please RSVP to [email protected], with your preferred session.

If you aren't able to attend a engagement session, you are more than welcome to complete our online survey or email your submission to: [email protected]

Submissions close 10:00am Thursday 23 June 2022