The four year Revenue & Rating Strategy outlines the revenue raising framework, within which the Council proposes to work.

The purpose of this strategy is to determine the most appropriate and affordable revenue and rating approach for Ararat Rural City Council.

Submissions to the Revenue & Rating Strategy are now open. To make a submission you can do so on the below form, via email [email protected] or mail to PO Box 246, Ararat. Ararat.

Information sessions:

To register your attendance for any of the above sessions, you can do so here.

Monday 14 June: Tatyoon- 6:30pm Tatyoon Hall

Tuesday 15 June: Elmhurst- 11:00am Elmhurst Hall

Tuesday 15 June: Ararat- 7:00pm Alexandra Oval Community Centre

Wednesday 16 June: Ararat- 11:00am Ararat Town Hall Foyer

Thursday 17 June: Lake Bolac- 6:30pm Lake Bolac Complex