We are welcoming your feedback on our Draft Budget 2023-2024.
The budget is the blueprint that shapes our priorities and outlines our financial commitments for the delivery of important services, programs and infrastructure.
We have created a snapshot of the Draft Budget 2023-2024. Take a look at the snapshot, and let us know what you think!
A full copy of the Draft Budget 2023-2024 is also available on this page, in the Document Library section to the right.
Community information sessions are taking place at the following community venues:
Monday 8 May: Tatyoon – 6:30pm – Tatyoon Hall
Tuesday 9 May: Elmhurst – 12:30pm – Elmhurst Hall
Tuesday 9 may: Pomonal – 6:30pm – Pomonal Hall
Thursday 11 May: Lake Bolac – 6:30pm – Lake Bolac Complex
Wednesday 17 May: Ararat – 4:00pm Ararat Town Hall
Wednesday 17 May: Moyston – 6:00pm – Moyston Recreation Reserve
Thursday 18 May: Willaura – 2:00pm – Willaura Hall
Here are some tips to make the most of your Budget feedback
- You can provide your feedback in the text field or by submitting a document.
- Provide a clear summary of your idea. Think ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘how’
- What you want council to provide, and why
- The benefits of your proposal. They could be environmental, financial, connectivity, health and wellbeing etc.
- Timeframes, for example, how long has this been an issue, when would you like a solution etc.
Submissions can be made via the website, or by writing to Ararat Rural City Council - PO Box 246, Ararat, VIC, 3377, or emailing [email protected]
Submissions are open until Wednesday 21 June at 5:00pm with the plans to be presented to the Council Meeting on Tuesday 27 June 2023.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Budget Snapshot released
Development of a one-page summary of key budget deliverables – available at a number of sites across the municipality
By 5:00pm Friday 28 April 2023
Timeline item 2 - complete
Posting of Council’s 2023/2024 Budget on Engage Ararat
By 5:00pm on Thursday 5 May
Timeline item 3 - complete
Tatyoon Engagement Session
Monday 8 May: Tatyoon – 6:30pm – Tatyoon Hall
Timeline item 4 - complete
Elmhurst Engagement Session
Tuesday 9 May: Elmhurst – 12:30pm – Elmhurst Hall
Timeline item 5 - complete
Pomonal Engagement Session
Tuesday 9 may: Pomonal – 6:30pm – Pomonal Hall
Timeline item 6 - complete
Lake Bolac Engagement Session
Thursday 11 May: Lake Bolac – 6:30pm – Lake Bolac Complex
Timeline item 7 - complete
Ararat Engagement Session
Wednesday 17 May: Ararat – 4:00pm – Ararat Town Hall
Timeline item 8 - complete
Moyston Engagement Session
Wednesday 17 May: Moyston – 6:00pm – Moyston Recreation Reserve
Timeline item 9 - complete
Willaura Engagement Session
Thursday 18 May: Willaura – 2:00pm – Willaura Hall
Timeline item 10 - complete
Submissions close
Submissions are open until Wednesday 21 June at 5:00pm
Timeline item 11 - complete
Budget adopted at Council Meeting
Council Meeting on Tuesday 27 June 2023, 6:00pm.