Project: Ararat Library Upgrade

Budget: $200,000

Timeline: March 2025

As announced in Council's draft budget 2024/2025, Ararat Library is excited to be undergoing an interior furnishings upgrade over the next eight months.

The library building was renovated in 2003, and has only undergone one small development upgrade since Council took over management from Central Highlands Library Corporation in 2012. Since then, there have been significant global changes in how libraries are used, with a greater demand for more flexible information and learning spaces. Access to digital technology now needs to be a library's main focus.

This small upgrade is in line with the changing needs of our community, and feedback on use of the library space. The post-COVID-19 environment has seen a rapid increase in the demand for remote working and mobile workspaces in general amongst the local community, a reflection of wider societal changes.

The primary focus of this upgrade is to modernise the library's interior furniture, creating a layout which best supports a flexible multi-use facility.

The project, due to be complete by March 2025, will incorporate the following:

  • New flexible ‘mobile’ shelving for adult fiction and non fiction areas, in line with the mobile shelving in the children’s area. This will enable these shelves to be moved for flexible use of the space for programs, etc.
  • New furniture and ‘soft’ reading/quiet spaces for flexible use (studying on a laptop, reading, etc.).
  • Replacement carpet/flooring to best cater for modern facility needs.
  • Two additional public use computers to meet demand for use of technology.
  • Improved/modernised signage on the exterior of the Library building.

Alignment with Council Plan Objectives

This upgrade is a key project that supports the current Council plan goals, in particular relating to Objective 5 - Enhancing Community Life:

5. We will work with the communities of Ararat Rural City to maintain social cohesion, support community activity and cultural life, and enhance safety.

5.1 Open up Council’s arts and culture assets to greater community participation, ownership and engagement in decision-making.